Sunday, July 24, 2011

I suppose it’s always good to have evidence of your manhood available, just in case, in a moment of panic, you reach into your pants in search of comfort and find…..NOTHING. If Mr. Wiener’s name was Mr. Longnose do you think he would have photographed his nose for posterity?
And, of course, the women of America are sitting breathlessly in front of their computers just waiting for a photo of the right dick to come along, so they can have a reason to continue laughing.
American politicians have done an outstanding job flaunting their enormous capacity for stupidity on every level while the whole world watches in disbelief.  ”Stupid is as Stupid Does” The internet is a PUBLIC forum, everything you post is available to anyone at any time and will be for years to come. Everything is traceable, everything is recorded. Internet anonymity is an oxymoron. It is unbelieveably stupid for anyone to put anything personal on the internet. It’s unbelieveably stupid to have private arguments on facebook; to break up with lovers via e-mail; to rant on twitter. 15 years from now, those words will still be there, but you will have moved ­on.
I’m afraid I’ve become rather complacent about the stupidity of men, especially as it relates to their dicks.
But, as far as I know, sex between consenting adults is still legal in the United States, and whether you respect your wedding vows or not, is, in my opinion, a personal issue. The morality police would disagree with me, and oh, horror of horrors, suprise suprise, Arnold Schwarzenegger fathered a child with his housekeeper!  John Edwards fathered a child with one of his campaign staffers, Bill Clinton gagged Monica, and JFK had Marilyn. Thomas Jefferson fathered 7 children with Sally Heming, whom he owned… The mayor of Portland, Ore. The mayor of Spokane, it goes on and on. The list is so long, it’s impossible to reproduce  here. If you’d like a more complete list of indiscretions, google "political sex scandals". You'll see what I'm talking abougt.
I don’t expect much from the idiots running around to meetings and dinners and parties in Washington, DC.  I’ve learned to avoid disappointment by lowering my expectations. What concerns me, is the Morality Police, the legions of spies and snoops who go digging for evidence that the men in power are violating the laws of propriety by sticking it in central vacuuming when no one is looking.  It’s the same Morality Police that keep screaming about the sanctity of heterosexual marriage, (which is crumbling before our very eyes) and sex being intended for procreation (as if we need more people on the planet!). It’s the Morality Police creating sexual subterfuge while two overt wars, and an undisclosed number of covert wars have bankrupted our nation…
It’s the Morality Police creating scandal to divert our attention from the real problems that are keeping us from moving forward. The Rich are getting richer while the rest of us are scrambling to stay afloat.

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